Thursday 15 October 2015

It Is Important To Have Career Coaching

By Della Monroe

Many teachers and other professionals who work within a high school or college may inform their students about all of the latest jobs available. They will give the very best career coaching to these eager young individuals who would like to do great things within the world.

Fortunately there are many television shows on television which are focused on doctors and nurses. Some of these programs are very realistic and they give an accurate view about medicine and hospitals. An intelligent female teacher knew that her upper level pupils were smart enough to learn from one of these job projects which were readily available.

She gave the entire class a chance to choose a specific job that would be beneficial to them in the future. The school made sure that certain businesses would be involved in this project when it was first produced. She really was delighted to learn that some of her students were looking forward to volunteering their time at the hospital. This trio was assigned to three different departments when they arrived at the medical facility.

All of these were great assignments which would lead to a good future job for everyone involved. Every staff member at this medical place tried to make the young people feel very welcome in every way possible. The young female who worked with oncology became very involved with her older female patients since they were very needy and wanted human company throughout the day. She took the time to comb the women's hair and to recite poetry to them before bedtime.

An elderly woman on this ward had passed away while Laura was doing her internship. She was very sad when the woman died until a staff worker told her all about the deaths which usually happen at this location. He warned the girl to never get emotionally involved with any patient and this was good solid advice. Over time Laura would surely learn how to accept death when it comes without warning.

The male student who worked with the pediatrics group truly loved his job since he was able to care for a variety of babies and toddlers who came in for treatment. He had always liked children and felt that these little individuals had a very special place within this world. Fortunately this lad had the patience and skills to do a great job on this ward.

The other female student found cardiology to be a very interesting subject and she was very grateful to work with such fine doctors. She always felt that the human body was indeed fascinating in every possible way. This young woman learned that old and young people can suffer from all types of heart ailments. Heart disease had always been a major problem in her family and this program helped to educate her on this particular issue.

Once the entire project was completed their faithful teacher insisted that each student should write an essay about their career days. Luckily many of them were quite anxious to share their experiences and this was great for everyone involved. The instructor knew that her idea had been a complete success which would be duplicated by other institutes.

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